Saturday, 28 January 2023
Friday, 27 January 2023
Poem: I taught myself
how to stand still
while the ocean roars inside
I taught myself
to never reveal everything
for fear of not fitting in
I taught myself
there is beauty
in being who you really are
I taught myself
how to tend to my wounds
for in life you have to take care of yourself
I taught myself
to be stubborn
otherwise my goals will just laugh at me
I taught myself
to think it over
before speaking up
through it all… I never taught myself
how to stand in the light
how to raise my voice not to be shut down
how to spend the time that has been given to me
so that when the time is up, I won't have any regrets.
Thursday, 26 January 2023
Friday, 6 January 2023
Poem: Heartbeat
Our eyes are timeless,
the universe looking back at itself,
Hold your gaze a little longer,
everything can change
in a blink of an eye.
Years and the days we lived,
our paths cross again and again.
Stand close to me, heart to heart,
where we seemed to be tied.
Let me run my fingertips over your
neck and chest, and meet your heartbeat.
Nothing stays, but this lingering feeling,
of a distant home, so close I could taste it.
Poem: Torchbearer
When I think I've reached the bottom,
you show me new depths of love,
as if it's an endless well,
and your voice echoes inside.
Unintentionally, we touch each other
in a million ways; your road is yours to walk,
and I admire your actions and decisions.
There is freedom in finding ourselves,
our life is ours to live, courageous are those
who can just be and know themselves.
I was rushing for a future self,
but you taught me life is not to be rushed.
Everything is as it should be.
Surrender to the quiet,
what you feel is yours.