
Monday, 17 August 2015

Poem: Coffee and tea

it's the way it gently kicks you
in the morning or in the night
when you need to stay sharp
it's the way lovers first meet
with glances and smiles
exchanging hearts
the way we openly share
our experience with friends
the way we study
words into our heads
the way we find comfort
in those days of cold and sadness
the way it has become a ritual
for which we could fight
it's the way we speak about death
in hushed voices and with respect
knowing it awaits us as well
the way it brings people together
in all countries of the world
how much of our lives is shared
over a cup of coffee and tea
and how they will never know


  1. So, true. Many people are attached emotionally to tea or coffee and express so much over these.

  2. Yes - these drinks of our do so more than quench our thirst...

  3. very clever idea of taking the cups of tea and coffee as witness to human experiences - the lines made me follow the way til the realization - well done!

  4. What a beautiful piece - you have written so effortlessly and conveyed how the seemingly simple act of sharing a cup of tea and coffee means so much more

  5. It is being able to relax when having a cup of tea or coffee and you feel at ease in conversing. I find myself talking to complete strangers in a cafe so it works for me.

  6. So true, so much is shared over coffee; things that might not be shared otherwise. Drinking coffee with someone gives a kind of intimacy with one another, I think, as people sit and really share the important things of life.

  7. it's the way lovers first meet
    with glances and smiles
    exchanging hearts

    A lovely comparison :D hope you are having a nice weekend :D

  8. Over a cup of coffee or tea, many stories are shared ~ Good one ~

  9. always a part of life - coffee and tea (sometimes cola) :)

    Really liked the way you stich these drinks to events in our daily lives

  10. You must know about us in Sweden.. nothing simply nothing would happen without coffee.

    So much we share together with over that cup..

  11. Isnt that the truth? I think back over thousands of conversations over tea all through the years. The teapot could tell many amazing stories!

  12. sometimes i just drink tea for the fancy of it. like when i am about to read a very good book, i always make tea for the occasion. and it works wonders!!!

  13. Wonderful, and, yes that does seem to be the way! Well done.

  14. I love how you take a simple thing like coffee and tea and explore how important it as become in our cultures around the world...I especially liked the lines about the way lovers meet.

  15. oh yes there is bonding over a cuppa
    Nice poem; and thank you for stopping over at my Sunday Lime today

    much love...

  16. I like that coffee and tea 'become a ritual', help to relax, are the triggers of all new habits too...

  17. "the way it has become a ritual
    for which we could fight"
    I like how you centered the word ritual and pointed up the ceremonial nature of these drinks. I suppose all of this living could happen without coffee and tea, BUT I love that we have access to it, especially free market ones so I can love the ritual and share the warmth without exploiting anyone.

  18. This is a really interesting perspective - wonderfully rendered.

  19. Although I don't drink either, I know many who do. And this rings true from what they have told me,


  20. Make mine a coffee, black.
    And as much as I love the taste of coffee - it is the communal
    aspect / relational aspect of sharing with someone that makes
    it all the more.

  21. Yes indeed a cup shared is a step toward understanding and acceptance. It is sad that the drink will never know.

  22. Loved this! It's amazing how something so simple accompanies so many different occasions :) A lovely read :)

  23. I am a coffee addict myself... Loved this!
