
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Poem: Birds of the same feather

it starts in a cornfield, where we ran away from each other
screaming out each other’s names, but the field was bigger than us
consumed the voices of our scared throats; thought we lost one another
but we had something to hold onto
                for we are birds of the same feather
and we raced over the land catching glimpses of today
to carry into the future – for they warm our hearts
knowing we have something to give, but the past erased us
consumed by fire; who will it take to search
                for little drops of our lives we caught?
ripples of conversations never exchanged resonate between us
your hands are like the ocean and my boat has been standing still
that's how I started, that's why it feels safe
to jump off a cliff and flow like a waterfall
                the moment you live is an everlasting travel
and at some time or another, a memory of me will cross your mind,
be I living or not, we shared a tiny fragment of the time past
and though we be strangers for the rest of our lives
we can reach inside and find each other again
                for no one truly dies, if they leave behind ripples


  1. That's beautiful Natasha! I enjoy your poetry. I haven't read many of them yet. I just found your blog today when I looked up paintings of mothers with children. :)

    1. Thank you very much! Always nice to hear from a reader :)

  2. The way we are like birds... Amazing how once we find a kindred spirit we can go down waterfalls in that togetherness... Lovely words Nataša

  3. we can reach inside and find each other again
    for no one truly dies, if they leave behind ripples

    Great ending Natasa! Certainly true. No one can make an impact if one's presence is not spiced up to cause others to be aware. Wonderful thoughts!


  4. We do indeed leave behind ripples. A lovely and timely reminder.

  5. I like the idea that some meetings are so momentous that they make us believe "it feels safe / to jump off a cliff and flow like a waterfall". I also enjoyed your closing line. A lot of positive and empowering images in your poem, Natasa!

  6. 'beautiful imagery deeply effective thoughts composed with a loving flow 'loved the ripple effect

  7. Every line of this poem is beautiful. As I read, I found myself wishing it was something I had written.
    Just these lines could sustain me for a whole day:

    your hands are like the ocean and my boat has been standing still...

  8. a lovely memory brought to life :)

  9. great last line....our legacy will def be the touches we leave behind and how they ripple out....happy sunday natasa

  10. So true that when we cross someone's path even for a little while we never know what our influence will be & when we will be remembered (and how) sometime later on. We all DO leave 'ripples,' I agree. Whether or not even the person who experiences the 'ripple' realizes where the ripple originated. A thoughtful poem.

  11. This is beautifully done--and I too love the closing here! Smiles to you today!

  12. 'your hands are like the ocean and my boat has been standing still'...this is beautiful.....

  13. "for no one truly dies, if they leave behind ripples"--How true!! Strong as usual..:) Very well penned....

  14. I especially love "your hands are like the ocean and my boat has been standing still"..........a comforting thought to think that we can forever go within ourselves to relive golden moments...beautiful, Natasa.

  15. This is so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this.

  16. Very lovely poem, glad I found it. :)

  17. People always touch our lives and leave ripples..I really like the sound of that..

  18. Thank you for this. I very recently experienced some of those ripples, so your words took on a much deeper meaning for me. Really well woven words with true wisdom at their core.

